Vision systems integrated into OFS
OFS integrates control systems by making them part of the process recipe and recording data on batches in transit.
In-line quality control
The need for continuous control makes vision systems ideal for achieving a high production standard.
Active control
Not only control but also removal of non-conforming product for automated quality control procedures.
Alveolation analysis
Alveolation control with alveolus percentage, product measurements and color.

An algorithm allows the identification of the alveoli by size, shape and color.
Alveolation control in real time
An immage processing software, integrated into the OFS system, allows precise checks on batches in transit.
OFS is the Oripan MES system.
It determines the main measurements such as width, length, circumference, area and weight (optional).
Alveoli size
It analyses the uniformity of the alveoli and their number and empty/full percentage.
It provides data on average L*a*b* and RGB and the average colour of the crust.
It calculates the percentange of roundness, elongation and alignment of the alveoli.