In-Line Quality Control
In-line control of each batch.
Quality Assurance
Procedures and controls with process corrections.
Quality Management
Integration with OFS MES for comprehensive quality control management.
Oripan brings to the market a new concept of Quality Assurance and Quality Control
A real-time analysis procedure compares the measurements of the product under test with the relevant standard parameters in order to detect potential anomalies as early as possible and, if necessary, take the necessary actions to bring the system back to production within specifications.

Physical and organoleptic parameters acquisition systems
Specific tools designed by the Oripan team and integrated into the OFS MES analyse samples for each individual batch and produce a product quality classification.
Quality Management
Specific procedures associated with process recipes, synchronous or asynchronous to production, manage all phases of the Quality Assurance process.
Data processing with new technologies
Artificial intelligence algorithms analyse production in real time, intercepting production anomalies and controlling rejects. Storage of the data collected during quality controls on a blockchain ensures that the controls are dated with certainty and are true.